Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Old Fashioned Weight Loss

When I first lost 55 pounds six years ago, I did it the old-fashioned way with diet and exercise because that's all I knew. My cardiologist simply told me:

1. Walk 30-45 minutes a day
2. Quit eating greasy, fried foods

Later, I fine-tuned my diet and exercise routine, but my weight-loss journey has been done all on my own. No meetings, no buddies, no forums, no websites or blogs. I'd describe my weight-loss method as the "Scared Straight" plan. My cardiologist showed me my angiogram and I freaked out! I've been a good boy ever since.

There has to be others out there whose weight loss journey started the same way. Feel free to post a comment or response.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Keeping A Weight Loss Diary

Of course it's a good idea, but the tendency is to start and stop, start and stop. Especially when we begin to see results from all that effort.

There's many sites that provide suggestions on keeping a daily food diary. I've linked this post to a good one that you can see by clicking the title above. It's actually a blog detailing one person's struggles and success stories. I think you'll like "Tracey's Diary".

And by the way, I'm still researching the pros and cons of Hoodia. Honestly, the cons are hard to find. This is a supplement with a lot of fans out there. Stay tuned.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Fat Free Pizza

Came across what looks like a great product -- Pizza Fit n' Free's Fat Free, Cholesterol Free, Sugar Free pizza! I'm going to order online at www.pizzafree.com and have some shipped to my door in the next few days. Will report back here on the blog once we've tried them.

I've added them to my link list as shown in the left sidebar of the blog's main page. Click the link to visit and be sure to click the "Weight Loss Success Stories" button on their site while you're there. Lot of good testimonials on there as well.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

Weight Loss Supplement Of The Day -- Hoodia

Have been researching the current "fad" weight loss supplement (Hoodia) and looking into both its pros and cons. There's a lot of information to sort through before I post what will hopefully be a balanced review of Hoodia and its claims. Stay tuned however.

In the meantime, hit the comment button below and post whatever you'd like about Hoodia. Thanks!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Weight Loss Articles In Prevention Magazine

I don't read Prevention magazine as often as I should but visited their website today and noticed that their articles on weight loss are indexed to make them easy to find and locate.

What a deep archive of weight loss articles!! Wow! Click the title of this post to be re-directed to the weight loss index page at www.prevention.com.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Lock Up Your Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream!

Read a review of a great product offered by Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream. It's designed to keep you from opening a tub of their ice cream until AFTER your craving subsides.

Rather than try to explain it here, click the title of this post and you'll be re-directed to www.theweighwewere.com where you can read the product description and review firsthand.

If it works as advertised -- it's ingenious!! If you've seen this before, please come back here and comment.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Losing Belly Fat

Of course we know that men primarily carry extra fat around their belly while women carry it around their hips. We also know that losing belly fat requires abdominal exercise and a very focused "ab-specific" diet.

Came across a blog with a very good article on belly fat that I want to share. Rather than link this post directly to that article, I'll link to the blog's main page because there's a lot of good diet, fitness, and weight loss info posted there. Click on the title of this post to redirect to "The Daily Ongoings" or go to http://daily-ongoings.blogspot.com.

Come back here and comment and we'll continue the discussion....

Sunday, February 18, 2007

A Slowing Metabolism?

Unfortunately, a slowing metabolism is a fact of life as we get older. I could eat anything I wanted until about age 28, then my metabolism began to slow...and the pounds began to show. I dealt with it (sort of) until the advent of "Fast Food Dollar Menus"!!

First one fast food chain, then aonther and another began to offer 99 cent items. It was so easy! And for a cheapskate like me, it allowed me to double or triple my intake of fat and calories for a measly three bucks a day!

By age 37, my doctor ordered me to lose weight and reduce my fat intake. I was too heavy and bloated. And after a "scary visit" to a cardiologist, I turned things around and dropped 55 pounds in six months. I'll share details in a future post, but for now I want to share a fantastic website.

If you've ever tried Weight Watchers, then you already know about Dotti's Weight Loss Zone (www.dwlz.com). Check out Dotti's wonderful site, then stop back here and comment!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Hypnosis As A Tool For Weight Loss

In the early 1990s I worked for a commercial property management company. As part of the accounting team (that also collected the rent), I got to know a local hypnotist who did a brisk business performing hypnosis for both weight loss and smoking.

He advertized his results and sold "packages" of 7, 10, and 14 sessions that also came with a money-back guarantee. In the four years of our acquaintance, I watched his practice grow and expand. This hypnotist is still in business today and advertises heavily in our local paper.

Although I was never a client, the idea of being alone with a potential "creep" kept me from trying hypnosis. Which brings me to hypnosis via audio CDs. This post links to a well-known home hypnosis weight loss program.

Click the title of this post to link to the "testimonials" page at www.hypnosisnetwork.com. If you have personal experience with this (or other similar products), please post a comment -- good or bad. As always, we're looking for new ideas. This blog is devoted to discussion and fact-finding.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

An Inspiring Weight Loss Example

Weight Loss—A Roller Coaster Ride
by: Dr. Leslie Van Romer

I can describe Jean Finman in a word — gorgeous. Well, actually that doesn’t quite do it. She’s not just gorgeous — she’s drop-dead gorgeous. The best part about Jean is that her outer beauty also exactly reflects her inner beauty, even in the middle of raising five small children. Other than her movie-star looks, Jean is like so many of us. She grew up struggling with weight.

As a child, she was always surrounded by sweets — they were just a part of her everyday life. Special Tupperware containers filled with cookies and goodies sat in the cupboard. Jean helped herself anytime she wanted. And her weight showed it. It wasn’t like Jean hadn’t tried to get her weight under control before. She had done the diet thing many times over in her lifetime but without permanent success. Pounds disappeared; pounds reappeared. Sound like a familiar ride that all of us want to hop off? When we first met, Jean told me that she felt “fat, ugly, and tired.”

As I looked at that face, I sort of got the fat and tired part, but ugly? How could a face like that ever feel ugly? I wondered if she ever looked in the mirror – no kidding! That was 9 months and 16 pounds ago. I would love to say it’s been easy for Jean. Quite the contrary, she lost 10 pounds the first month — yeah; gained back 10 pounds by the third month – ouch!

Can you feel Jean’s pain when those pounds boomeranged back? By the 5th month, she had gained another pound and the 7th month, she was down 2 pounds—a grand total of 2 pounds down from her original weight. Big sigh. Seven months, two pounds down. Who wouldn’t just give up after all that effort without any results? Most anyone, but not Jean. She just kept putting one foot in front of the other, even when it felt like slogging through quick sand with no end in sight. Such a lonely and demoralizing haul this weight loss struggle. Then something happened.

Only Jean could describe it well. I guess you could say something clicked in Jean’s brain. What is it that makes that magical switch flip in our brains, the light go on, and somehow we get on track? Who knows. At night, sometimes Jean would get this real sense that if she didn’t lose weight she was going to die of a heart attack. Her weight had crept back up, and she felt bloated, fat, and miserable.

Her pattern was the same most of her life — she would slip back to eating sweets, especially when stressed, hating herself with every bite. She asked herself, “Why am I doing this to myself? I don’t want to die. I want to be here for my kids.” Something clicked for Jean. Recharged and refocused, Jean lost 14 pounds in the last two months. She eats fruit for breakfast, salad or a veggie wrap for lunch with hummus, avocado, red pepper, lettuce, and tomato.

For dinner she starts with a salad first (fill-up on the best-for-you foods first) and eats cooked vegetables and sometimes beans. She makes sure she is full and satisfied. For snacks, she eats nuts and seeds. Mochas, an almost daily treat and extra calories for Jean, are now pleasant memories. She no longer eats any animal products, dairy products, sugar, or salty snacks — another temptation for her. Jean says she doesn’t feel hungry or deprived. In fact, she feels great.

Amazingly enough, her cravings for sugar are gone, even though the sugar stuff is still in the house. She loves the feeling of sugar not having power over her. Now when Jean is stressed, rather than over eating the bad stuff, she over eats the good stuff—like a veggie wrap! (Remember, eating vegetables is like eating air when it comes to calories.) Way better choice, don’t you think? As well as Jean is doing right now, do you think that Jean thinks she is home-free from the trap of conditioned taste buds and lifelong habits? Not at all. In fact, Jean just wrote me and “confessed” a slip-up. Big deal! So Jean “slipped-up.”

If you are a human being, you slip-up—it’s just part of being human. Just expect that to happen and go on from there. The only real slip-up is to give-up, and I know that is something that beautiful Jean would never do. Her body, her life, and her children mean too much to her. I don’t know about you, but it is not the rich, famous, and powerful people in the world that I find inspiring.

I draw inspiration from the Jean Finmans in the world—extraordinary, ordinary (yet not ordinary at all) individuals, who are perfectly themselves, with all their strengths, struggles, complexities and layers of being a human being. Jean’s inner strength, courage, and commitment, as well as her willingness and openness to share her heart, her soul, her victories, and her frustrations, give you and me the inner strength and courage to be perfectly ourselves in our own journeys through life.

Aren’t we so blessed to have one another to give a helping hand along the way?

Thank you, Jean, for your helping hand. Your beauty, inside and out, graces our lives with light and hope.

About The Author
Dr. Leslie Van Romer is a motivational health speaker, writer and lifestyle coach. Visit Dr. Leslie at Http://DrLeslieVanRomer.com for practical direction, hope and inspiration.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Trim Spa In The News

TrimSpa is back in the news due to the recent passing of Anna Nicole Smith. A few other weight loss bloggers are wondering if Smith's passing will negatively affect Trim Spa and its public acceptance.

Although there's no current link between the product and Anna Nicole (other than her losing 70 pounds on the product in 2005-2006), what do you think? Any TrimSpa users that would care to comment one way or the other?

Feel free to post a reply......

Friday, February 9, 2007

Welcome To The Weight Loss Forum

Welcome To The Weight Loss Forum!

My name is Michael and my wife and I have each lost over fifty pounds over the last couple of years using different methods. My blog will be an open forum to discuss good (and not so good) weight loss ideas and help separate fact from fiction based on real results from real people.

We're just normal everyday people (I'm 43 and she's 35) interested in sharing good ideas and good information with others via this weblog.

Bear with us as we get this up and running and check back often! We hope to keep it lively and entertaining. And....we're not selling any particular diet plan or weight loss program. We know what's worked for us, but we're open-minded to hear other ideas also.

Thanks for reading this far. More to come soon!